States With Opt Outs

The following states have issued the following rules and regulations regarding statewide opt outs of deadly smart meters.  We realize opting out is not a fix to this enormous problem, but it is a small step in the right direction.  Thus far, Vermont is the only state that does not impose a financial penalty on opt out customers.
If you have an update for your state that you would like added to this list, please email February the California PUC agreed to allow electric customers to keep their current analog meter or reinstall an analog meter if a smart meter had been installed

In August  2011, Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (“DEEP”) asked the Public Utilities Regulatory Agency (“PURA”) to suspend actions in smart meter cases until it could develop a policy on smart meters.



Brevard County Commissioners requested of Florida Power & Light (“FPL”) a smart meter opt-out plan for its residents and called upon the Florida Public Service Commission to hold public hearings on the issue of smart meters and their potential benefits and/or potential hazards to Florida residents.



Legislation allowing customers to elect not to have a smart meter installed on their property passed the State Senate but stalled in the State House.



In April 2012, the parties agreed the preliminary injunction motion was rendered moot as a result of the defendant utility’s oral agreement that it would refrain from installing a smart meter on the plaintiff’s home.



In February 2012, the City-Parish city council voted to allow Lafayette Utilities System customers to opt-out of smart meters.MAINEMaine

PUC allows for customers to opt-out of receiving a smart meter.



In May 2012, the Maryland PSC entered an order allowing individual who are opposed to smart meters to defer installation until MPSC issues a final, permanent rider on whether to allow customers to opt-out of receiving a smart meter.



In January 2012, the Michigan PSC opened a review of smart meters.



Nevada PUC has approved smart meter opt-out plan.



In August 2011, Portland GE offered smart meter opt-out option.

PENNSYLVANIAA plan allowing consumers to opt out of smart-metering systems has been proposed in Pennsylvania’s General Assembly.TennesseeMemphis passed a no cost smart meter opt out resolution.
TEXASIn February2012, the PUC opened a project to evaluate the feasibility of instituting a smart meter opt-out program.”
VERMONTIn May 18, 2012, Governor Shumlin signed law allowing for smart meter installation if utility company (1) provides prior written notice to the customer indicating that the meter will use radio or other wireless means for two-way communication between the meter and the company and informing the customer of his or her rights; (2) allows a customer to choose not to have a wireless smart meter installed, at no additional monthly or other charge; and (3) allows a customer to require removal of a previously installed wireless smart meter for any reason and at an agreed-upon time, without incurring any charge for such removal.WISCONSIN

Wisconsin has introduced an opt out plan.